Who We Are &
Why We Do What We Do

I was born a storyteller. As far back as I can remember, I have loved hearing stories, telling stories and even inventing stories.

After finishing college, I gravitated to creating videos that told the stories of corporations and organizations. Those videos built their brand story and helped them connect with their audiences. But while that career path paid the bills, it didn’t get me excited. Fast forward to about 20 years ago and I began working with nonprofits producing and distributing their PSAs or public service announcements. Their stories of helping others, lifting the spirits of the downtrodden and those in need and motivating people to join or donate to the cause showed me the true value of storytelling.

Then, upon losing a few friends and family members, I began to realize what true stories were and why they mattered more than all the others I had produced. Family stories and stories of lives touching lives are the most powerful stories in the history of the world. Some have global impact but most are written day-by-day through the normal course of human events.

The lesson I quickly learned was that family stories matter greatly to everyone in a family. They are the memories of great times spent together or of the history and ancestry of the family’s past. They are impactful and they help form deep, emotional bonds.

So now I’m producing videos for families and their descendants. Why? Well, think of it this way…in years past, we had shoeboxes packed with pictures and old films we’d pass down to our children. Today, all we have are digital files on our phones or our social media pages. And when we pass, those files often pass with us and remain on phones
that end up in landfills.

Creating Love & Legacy Videos is an honor. I love hearing the stories my clients share and, more importantly, the wisdom and teachings they leave for future generations. But the best part of creating these videos is when I get feedback from the children and grandchildren of my clients who are forever thankful to have a family heirloom…told in the voices of another family member while they get to look into their eyes and form a connection that feels like they’re sitting in the same room together.

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More About LamourLife Productions